Positive Forceps Birth of Baby J
I breathed my way through contractions, which started at 10.30pm and went into hospital 7cm dilated at 2.30am, which I did not expect.
My waters broke whilst being examined and my little boy pooed, so the rollercoaster began. I wasn’t able to have the water birth I’d originally wanted, but that was ok. I knew what my choices were and I knew what was out of my control and best for me and my baby.
The birth was quick, but I still had time and the headspace to ask to put out the fairy lights, spray my favourite smell, hold the fan and get my drink ready. There wasn’t quite enough time for the playlist, but I didn’t feel at that point it was needed - my oxytocin was high enough!
My baby’s heart rate dropped and they needed to get him out. He was born by forceps at 4.02am. My midwife commented on my controlled breathing and how calm I was.
I closed my eyes for most of it so I could concentrate and made the absolute most of the gas and air.
We needed to stay in hospital for a few days, but again, this was ok. I was not afraid to ask questions and ask for help. I was very well looked after and could look back and think wow, bloody hell I did it!
I don’t often say it, but I was really proud of how I’d been and I genuinely think that’s because I was prepared, relaxed and could control my breathing.